• 32 High St, Aylesford ME20 7BA
  • Weekday Evening & Saturday Appointments




Main Clinic

Aylesford Osteopathic Practice, High Street, Aylesford, Maidstone, Kent, ME20 7BA

about Naturally Great Health

Friendly Practictioners with

Through our integrative approach, we bring together a team of nutritionists and the health-care professionals from a broad range of disciplines, combining years of an experience, diverse specialties, and wealth of knowledge plus experience.

Healthy Diets

To know where our bodies are and to maintain the desired positions.

Best Fitness

Once you grasp a workout routine, you will get it is not too a difficult.

what we approach

The Services We Offer

Your body believes what you think, your thought becomes action, Action becomes behavior so keep your Positive attitude alive!

Our personalized nutrition foods are right for you & supplements should be taking with diet plan.